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Team Member Spotlight! Shannon - Plumb Dental
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Team Member Spotlight! Shannon


Meet Shannon!

I graduated from Weber State University with a degree in Dental Hygiene in 1995. (phew!) Prior to that, I was a dental assistant for several years (we won’t say how many). I feel it is important to educate our patients so they can make informed decisions about their smile. Just like Dr. Plumbs motto, I think a healthy smile helps make a healthy life! I hope that when I see a patient, they will feel welcome and right at home! I am happy to be part of a dental team that works well together, has fun while at work and provides the best dental care possible! I am married and have 4 awesome children. I love spending time with my family! In my spare time (which isn’t much), I love to read, go boating with my family, and eat (preferably Swedish fish)!