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Fixed Dental Bridge Implants in St. George, UT

Plumb Dental is your premier destination for fixed dental bridge services in St. George, UT. Our skilled team specializes in providing high-quality fixed bride restorative options. to restore your smile’s beauty and functionality. Whether you’re in need of a single-tooth replacement or a full-mouth restoration, our state-of-the-art techniques ensure a seamless and durable solution. Say goodbye to gaps and hello to a confident smile with our fixed bridge dental implant options. Schedule your consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming your perfect smile.

What Is a Fixed Bridge?

A fixed bridge is a dental restoration used to replace missing teeth by closing the gap between adjacent natural teeth or dental implants. It consists of artificial teeth, called pontics, attached to crowns or abutments placed on the teeth or implants adjacent to the empty space. Unlike removable bridges or dentures, a fixed bridge is securely cemented into place, providing stability and function similar to natural teeth. Fixed bridges not only restore aesthetics and chewing function but also help maintain proper alignment of surrounding teeth and prevent shifting.

Fixed Dental Bridges in St. George, UT

The Dental Bridges Treatment Process

During this initial visit, our skilled team will assess your oral health and discuss your treatment goals and options. If a dental bridge is deemed the best solution for your needs, the process typically involves several steps. First, the adjacent teeth or dental implants are prepared to serve as abutments for the bridge. Impressions of your teeth are then taken to ensure a precise fit for the bridge. These impressions are sent to a dental lab where the bridge is custom-made to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth. In the meantime, a temporary bridge may be placed to protect your teeth and gums. Once the permanent bridge is ready, it is carefully placed and adjusted for proper fit and bite.

Types of Fixed Dental Bridges

Fixed dental bridges offer various options to suit individual needs and preferences. A few common types include:

  • Traditional Fixed Bridge – Consists of artificial teeth held in place by dental crowns cemented onto adjacent natural teeth.
  • Cantilever Bridge – Utilizes adjacent teeth on only one side of the gap to support the artificial tooth, making it suitable for areas with only one adjacent tooth.
  • Maryland Bridge – Features a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of adjacent teeth, providing support for the artificial tooth without requiring crowns on those teeth.

Reasons for a Fixed Bridge

Fixed bridges are a popular solution for various dental issues, providing functional and aesthetic benefits. Some common reasons for opting for a fixed bridge include:

  • Tooth Replacement – Fixed bridges are used to replace one or more missing teeth, restoring chewing function and preventing adjacent teeth from shifting.
  • Aesthetic Enhancement – Bridges improve the appearance of your smile by filling in gaps left by missing teeth, enhancing facial symmetry and boosting confidence.
  • Bite Restoration – By replacing missing teeth, fixed bridges help restore proper bite alignment, reducing strain on the jaw joints and promoting overall oral health.

Top Advantages of Fixed Dental Bridges

Fixed dental bridges offer numerous benefits for individuals seeking tooth replacement solutions. Here are a few of the top advantages:

Improved Chewing Function

Fixed bridges restore the ability to bite and chew effectively, enabling patients to enjoy a wider variety of foods.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Bridges fill in gaps left by missing teeth, improving the appearance of the smile and restoring facial symmetry.

Preserved Oral Health

By replacing missing teeth, fixed bridges prevent adjacent teeth from shifting out of alignment and maintain proper bite function, promoting long-term oral health.

Dental Bridge FAQ

How Long Does a Dental Bridge Last?

A dental bridge typically lasts between 5 to 15 years, depending on factors such as oral hygiene, lifestyle habits, and the materials used in the bridge construction.

What Can I Expect from the Procedure?

During the procedure, you can expect a comprehensive dental examination, tooth preparation, impressions, fabrication of the bridge, and finally, placement and adjustment of the bridge for a comfortable fit and natural appearance.

How Does a Dental Bridge Compare to Standard Dentures?​

Compared to standard dentures, dental bridges are fixed in place and offer better stability and chewing function. Additionally, bridges feel more like natural teeth and don’t require removal for cleaning or maintenance.

Contact Plumb Dental to Learn About Fixed Dental Bridges

At Plumb Dental, we are committed to delivering exceptional fixed dental bridge services in St. George, UT, aimed at restoring smiles and enhancing oral health. With our proficiency in fixed bridge restorative options we provide durable solutions customized to your specific requirements. Don’t allow missing teeth to affect your confidence – our comprehensive services extend beyond fixed bridges to include a wide range of dental treatments. Schedule a consultation today to discover our fixed bridge dental implant options and embark on the journey to a confident, radiant smile!