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Advanced Laser Dentistry with Plumb Dental St. George
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Laser Dentistry in St. George, UT


As long as the laser ray is always used according to the practices that are accepted by the practitioner, then the instrument is just as safe as any other in the office. In the same way that you might wear sunglasses to prevent too much exposure from the sun, you’ll need to don a pair of special glasses during the procedure so your eyes are protected from the ray. With a precise hand and the power of light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, you can rest assured that our staff can provide you with treatment that is easier and less painful.




Some of the benefits of using a ray for dental procedures include:

    • Being able to avoid using stitches
    • Some procedures do not require any anesthesia
    • Minimal bleeding thanks to increase clotting performance
    • Minimal infections due to sterilization from the pulse of energy
    • Minimal damage to outside tissue
    • Faster heal time that allows the tissues to regenerate
    • Rays can alter the tissue of the gums and help expose better structure for the teeth. This allows for a stronger foundation on which to place new restorations.
    • Because of their capabilities at reshaping gums, rays can expose the structure of the teeth to improve an otherwise gummy smile.
    • Rays can painlessly remove folds that often occur as a result of poorly-fitting dentures
    • Using rays is a safer way to observe the inside of gums and teeth in real time.
    • They can also be used to painlessly remove a benign tumor in the mouth without using stitches.
    • Similarly, a low-intensity ray could take away the pain that is commonly caused by a cold sore.

The only way you’ll know for sure is to ask your dentist for recommendations. As useful as this method of treatment may be, it is not always the most useful tool to get the job done. You’ll need to ask your dentist for more information.

At Plumb Dental, we use the latest technology to emit beams of light for dental treatments. When using laser dentistry technology, you’ll experience less pain, less bleeding and less chance of swelling. Laser dentistry is a great option for many procedures, and our technicians have all been trained to use the instrument with precision and care.

Laser Dentistry in St. George, UT